Maintain Your Building Exterior

Preserving the value of your property while also preventing future damage

Unrivalled excellence for all services

Get a detailed plan for current and future maintenance

Competitive Pricing

Property maintenance is a full-time job, and you already have one.

If your building isn’t regularly and proactively maintained, maintenance jobs can soon become a bigger headache and more expensive.

With PIERCE’s maintenance programs, the first impression is guaranteed to be one of a professional and well-maintained property to your clients, tenants, and everyone who drives past.

Stay ahead of your building’s maintenance.

We know it’s nearly impossible to keep tabs on every square inch of your building’s envelope. So, when we are onsite for maintenance, we’ll perform our LIFECYCLE360 check to help you anticipate future maintenance before an issue arises. You can stay abreast of these updates at all times with LIFECYCLE360.

safe and secure

Our technicians are trained according to the latest industry standards and regulations specific to their focus to ensure they are safe while on the job and your services are up to code. While on your property, they are also a keen eye for areas of the building that are a potential threat, which will be reported following the service.

PIERCE is prepared to help you protect your tenants and reduce your property liability by maintaining the beauty and value of your building's exterior.

We are also experts in Restoration and Waterproofing

PIERCE Restoration


Garage Restoration


Facade Restoration


Glass Restoration


Masonry Restoration

PIERCE Waterproofing

Caulking and Expansion Joints
Slurry Wall Injections
Leak Detection & Remediation
Coatings & Sealants

Do you have an urgent need?

Our Rapid Response Service can solve your immediate issue. We have teams ready to mobilize.